Are You Finding Life Difficult Right Now?

Daily Motivation 195

If you are experiencing difficulty at the moment:

And that may sound bizarre but it means that you are in tune with the great changes that are taking place on our planet right now. It’s like a great river is surging past us and you either let go and be carried by the strong currents, or cling on to the edge for dear life resisting change and refusing to go with the flow.

I don’t know anyone who is not experiencing this right now. I mean how can it already be mid-March? It was Christmas jusWhen Nothing Is Sure, Everything Is Possiblet a minute ago!

Spring has well and truly sprung and mother nature is showing us how to wake up and grow. Last week we ran our five day residential programme with one of the participants on her return home this weekend reporting to the online group,

“Hi I’d like to share a kind of thought or comparison I felt when I was gardening yesterday. I was clearing my flowerbeds of all of the dead growth, leaves and dross that was left from last summer. As I raked the dead growth away, just under the surface were the brand new shoots ready to push through to face the sunshine and to grow to their full potential. It reminded me of my addiction, through my addiction I covered up my life by numbing myself with alcohol, stifling any new growth ,not allowing myself to achieve anything, as I didn’t think I deserved it. That has all changed since I’ve removed and detached myself from my addiction, I’m now allowing myself to grow in full clarity to discover the infinite possibilities and potential that’s out there waiting for me. I now know I can achieve anything I aspire to and that I deserve it. I am so excited for the future and I hope all of you lovely people are too, we sooo deserve it”

So Quantum Sobriety is all about harnessing this new higher frequency and getting some high-vibe action into your life.
Gone is the day that we have to accept mediocrity, it is all on offer, and NOW is the time to break free. Through the quantum field we access pure potentiality and this is available to every one of us, no one is exempt. Either hide behind your excuses to stay small and numb, or put your hand up and join the ever growing community who are all ready to jump in to a new reality and support each other through the journey.

*While Jo is in a private retreat we will be sharing some of her blogs from the archive which we hope you will enjoy revisiting, or reading for the first time. 
This blog was originally posted on 15/03/16

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