Written By The Heart

I chose to spend last weekend in Birmingham surrounded with people who think like me: the half FULL kind.
In front of inspirational speakers for two whole days means I now have a ton of notes, quotes, and ideas to take myself to the next level.

I choose to consume nutritious high vibrational foods and drinks, stopping off at the supermarket on route to the midlands to stock up on salad, houmous, water and other healthy snacks. I know that there will not be my kind of choices at the hotel, so my choice is to take food with me.

On social media I choose to be connected with positive, like-minded souls and my timeline is full of hope, optimism and love.

I choose not to watch the news or read newspapers as it is my belief that we are fed half-truths full of fear to keep us small and controlled.
Instead I fill my head and heart with love.Do YOU Choose fear or LOVE?

There is no room for fear here.
It is unwelcome and unwanted.

Choose fear or love in your life.
Because EVERYTHING comes from one or the other.
And YOU have a choice.

On my social media there have been two influential people who’s voices have been welcome to me in this latest recent round of violence and destruction. Both of the following posts appeared to me more than once, and both sing from my song-sheet: a tune of love.

The first is from HH Dalai Lama. At the end of one of his talks someone from the audience asked him,
“Why didn’t you fight back against the Chinese?”
The Dalai Lama looked down, swung his feet just a bit, then looked back up and said with a gentle smile,
“Well, war is obsolete, you know.”
Then, after a few moments, his face grave, he said,
“Of course the mind can rationalise fighting back … but the heart, the heart would never understand. Then you would be divided in yourself, the heart and the mind, and the war would be inside you.”

Retaliation or revenge will never work, why on earth do we think that it could?! For has tit for tat ever got us anywhere, from the playground into adulthood?

The second message of inspiration came from Marianne Williamson, the Author, Speaker and American Congressional candidate who last year ran for a seat in the U.S House of Representatives.

“The world has entered into a full on state of global crisis. All of us are integrating the realization that nothing will ever again be quite the same for our generation. The question before us now — as seekers, as global citizens, as lovers of the world — is not just what do we need to do, but who do we need to be in order to do it? We have before us a challenge that only the most evolved civilization can meet effectively, calling each of us to fast, to meditate, to pray, to do whatever it is we need to do to ready ourselves, to purify ourselves, and surrender ourselves for the task at hand. Each of us will be assigned our part, how we ourselves can help uplift the energy and prepare the ground, heal broken hearts and work the miracles that will bring down the Light that disperses darkness. And darkness, in time, will be no more. Amen”

I absolutely believe this.
I know that I am currently being trained to get ready for a new start, a new reality, a new way of being.

A reality where we are directed by love instead of fear.
I am one of the people that Marianne is talking about.
Are you?
Are you living in fear or love?
Are you part of the problem or solution?
Are you getting broiled up in the media shit-storm?
Are you ready for transformation, transmutation, and a new world.

This to me is not ‘woowoo’, this is real.
This is fundamental to our survival as a race.
And the time is NOW to step up and BE THE CHANGE.

For the last couple of weeks since the Paris attacks, our dining room table has been the scene of many discussions about what our planet now faces, and we are all in agreement: LOVE IS THE ANSWER.

And I can see very clearly how WE HOLD THE POWER as the old ways of thinking fall away, and make way for LOVE. And these souls sitting around our table are our world’s future leaders as the power shift is happening, and being redistributed to US.

It is up to you to RAISE YOURSELF UP with the company you keep, food you eat and how you conduct yourself on social media. You create your own destiny with your actions, words, thoughts, beliefs and frequency.
And now is the time for us to all have an awareness of whether we are raising our vibration or lowering it.

We are standing right in the middle of the dawn of a new frontier.
Which way are you going?
Back the way we came from: living in stress, fear and denial?
Or are you, like me, taking a stand and living life in a new way?

There is no room for fear here.
It is unwelcome and unwanted.

The easiest way of connecting to love is through meditation.
It connects us to our love, and we can then maintain that vibration all day.
We end up sharing it with everyone that we meet because this frequency becomes who we are.
We raised our game.
It’s how we become the change: by BEING it.

So as everyone else is feeling saddened and fearful about terrorism and allowing the outside world to make them feel depressed, why don’t you flip it? Take control, connect with love, and then watch as your happiness radiates outwards reaching the rest of the world.
Written By The Heart
Because my world is full of love.
And that is my choice.

My body has even started to manifest love: on my left (writing) hand my veins have created a heart shape. It’s bizarre, weird and I can’t explain it, but it’s there. The words in this blog (and in my book) are being formed directly by my heart, and this love has manifested in my hand!
Photos are on our Facebook page, so come on over and check it out!
And if you want to begin meditating I am starting a December challenge:


And I will be on our Facebook page everyday giving support and motivation to get your home meditation practice started.

Everyone else is going to be stressed by the time Christmas gets here, but YOU are going to experience the festive period with ease, flow and enjoyment if you can commit to just 5 minutes of meditation a day.

Are you going to join me?
I hope so!
See you over on Facebook…..

I can’t wait to assist you. But if you want to get started NOW then hop on over to our website and check out my meditation downloads and courses.

What are you waiting for?
Get meditating today!!!!
And let me know how you get on xx

Copyright: Jo De Rosa November 2015

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